Moho Animation Course Coming Next Week!

We’re happy to announce our newest animation course – Moho Animation! A complete course to creating professional 2D animation using Moho animation software. We’ve designed this course to be tailored specifically for aspiring animators, or professional animators transitioning from a different program. …

How to Create a Portfolio Website: A Detailed Guide

How to Create a Portfolio WebsiteA Detailed Guide In this simple step-by-step guide I’ll take you through the entire process of creating a compelling personal portfolio website to display your best work, and eventually get you hired. The process includes four …

Writing an Animated Feature Film: How I Wrote the Screenplay for Snowlands, from Idea to Final Draft

Writing an Animated Feature FilmHow I Wrote the Screenplay for Snowlands, from Idea to Final DraftOver the span of about a year and a half I wrote a screenplay for an animated feature film titled Snowlands. We are currently in …

TV Paint vs Animate CC (Which One Should You Use?)

TVPaint and Adobe Animate CC are two of the best know animation software. You’ve almost certainly seen content produced using either of these software, but might not know when or why one is used over the other. These two options …

Toon Boom Harmony vs TV Paint (Which One Should You Use?)

When looking at the landscape of professional animation software you’ll frequently come across both Toon Boom Harmony and TV Paint. These are both high quality software capable of achieving top-tier results. In some cases the output of these two products might …

Character Animator vs. Toon Boom (Which One Should You Use?)

If you’re looking into producing animated content, there’s a wide array of software and techniques to explore. In this article we’ll look at two software that represent different approaches creating animation: Character Animator and Toon Boom Harmony. Character Animator is …